
Stay up to date with the latest industry news, stories, informative articles, and useful tips from us at Inszone.

Insurance agent speaking with a business owner during a meeting.
Employee Spotlight: Kendall King

Employee Spotlight: Kendall King

This month, please join us in congratulating Kendall King, our Employee Spotlight for the month of November!
8 November 2022 8 min read
Alfredo Enriquez Volunteers for Skid Row Fall Outreach

Alfredo Enriquez Volunteers for Skid Row Fall Outreach

We have some truly amazing individuals here at Inszone, who actively contribute in their community to help make a difference for others. Alfredo Enriquez, Commercial Insurance Specialist in our Lakewood, CA office, spent some of his time volunteering for the Skid Row Fall Outreach.
27 October 2022 2 min read
Home Fire Safety and Prevention Tips

Home Fire Safety and Prevention Tips

Your home is somewhere you expect to feel safe. Yet more injuries and deaths from fire occur in the home than in any other place. Don’t underestimate the danger of fire. Use this home fire safety guide to help you prepare and learn what to do if a fire breaks out in your home.
20 October 2022 4 min read
Employee Spotlight: Leah Barretta

Employee Spotlight: Leah Barretta

This month, please join us in congratulating Leah Barretta, our Employee Spotlight for the month of October!
6 October 2022 8 min read
Characteristics of Effective Leaders

Characteristics of Effective Leaders

A business is only as successful as its teams, and those teams rely on a strong leader to give them direction and encouragement to achieve the mission at hand. Poorly handled HR issues can lead to a multitude of trouble for a business' leadership and the teams under them. This can not only alienate your employees, but you will have your management handling staffing issues that could have been avoided altogether.
28 September 2022 0 min read
Patty Cicogni Volunteers on American Red Cross’ Wildfire Evacuation Center

Patty Cicogni Volunteers on American Red Cross’ Wildfire Evacuation Center

We have some truly amazing individuals here at Inszone, who actively contribute in their community to help make a difference for others. Patty Cicogni, a Senior Training Specialist in our Rancho Cordova office, spent some of her time volunteering with the American Red Cross for the Wildfire Evacuation Shelter.
26 September 2022 1 min read
Take Control of Your Workers’ Compensation Costs

Take Control of Your Workers’ Compensation Costs

In the years in which this team has been servicing their clients, they have found one universal truth. People don't like their insurance. Many hold their nose, pay their premiums, which for many businesses is their second or third largest expense next to payrolls, and then just hope that things go well if and when their coverage is needed.
15 September 2022 0 min read
Employee Spotlight: Jonathan Campos

Employee Spotlight: Jonathan Campos

This month, please join us in congratulating Jonathan Campos, our Employee Spotlight for the month of September!
6 September 2022 4 min read
The Good Samaritan Scholarship 2022 Awards Ceremony

The Good Samaritan Scholarship 2022 Awards Ceremony

At Inszone, we believe that education is a key factor that greatly influences how far a person may advance. In line with this belief, we have been actively collaborating with charitable organizations that aim to assist students with their educational needs. We believe that every child has a right to a great education and the opportunity to reach their full potential.
29 August 2022 1 min read
Essential Car Insurance | Rear End Damage

Essential Car Insurance | Rear End Damage

Car Insurance Scenario A squirrel crosses the road in front of you — and naturally, you stop. Unfortunately, a lead-footed, tail-gating motorist slam into you from behind. While the squirrel is unscathed, the rear end of your vehicle is heavily damaged. What should you do about rear end damage?
25 August 2022 2 min read
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