Tony Kim
Commercial Lines Account Manager

Tony Kim is a Commercial Lines Account Manager at Inszone Insurance Services. He attended University of Santa Barbara, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics. Prior to joining Inszone in 2022, Tony received his highest accolade when he achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. He also managed and completed his eagle project that consisted of creating a picnic area for hikers in the San Gabriel Mountains. Tony works with great passion to provide the best customer service to his clients.
On his time off, Tony enjoys golfing and going to camping trips with his friends. He is also fond of learning new recipes and cook for his friends and family.
5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 8 reviews)
Vary to the point and vary helpful and he is on top of his business
Jason Lee
Tony is professional what he does
He’ll take care of you
Nothing to worry about
Pastor Christine V. Clarke
Tony, First of all you are about the most patient person in the world!!! Thank you so much for you help and waiting on me to return from Florida, If you treat all your customers this way you will go real far in life!!
You are truly a 6 star person!! oh yes…I came back with covid sick but i had to get to this computer and do my part!!
God Bless You!1 Pastor Christine V. Clarke Thanks to your and your Company, ’cause I know You’re not working alone.
Lydia J Lee
Kindness, Professional, Speedy… Perfect…
Satisfactory …
Ok rang yu
친절하고 신속한 조치를 취해주셔서 마음이 편안합니다
English Translation:
I feel comfortable because you took kind and quick action
Chang Kim
Tony is very kindly give information I missed my bond matter and fast respond to help me again thank you so much !
Annie Kim
Thanl you so much for all of your great help and accurate jobs!!
Youn Ko
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Tony’s attitude and meticulous care is very great.
I believe his other client’s will feel the same way I do.