
Thandarr Keomorakoth

Senior Personal Insurance Specialist

Thandarr Keomorakoth is a Senior Personal Insurance Specialist at Inszone Insurance Services. joining Inszone in June 2024. He graduated from Weed High School in Weed, California and then continued his studies at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. Thandarr was a passionate mentor to children and young adults, emphasizing life skills and sportsmanship. He engaged in projects to guide young individuals toward positive life decisions where he was known for his exceptional work ethic and leadership, creating a supportive environment fostering customer loyalty and referrals. Thandarr thrived on competition, maintaining high standards and accountability.

Thandarr has worked for Cost U Less Insurance and Freeway Insurance, where he successfully led sales and management roles for 12 years and managed teams for 11 years. He excelled in office management and specialized in preferred and nonstandard personal lines of insurance. Thandarr received 10 “Best of the Best” awards at Cost U Less Insurance from 2009 to 2021, 5 top-performing office awards, and was twice awarded the Vegas trip prize for top office manager and was named 2007 VP of the Year at Flooring America (Sacramento).

In his free time, he enjoys playing and watching basketball and football. He also enjoys movies, music, and karaoke. Thandarr is enthusiastic about “Game of Thrones” and its spin-offs, especially “House of Dragons.”

(530) 492-0810

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