
Residential Care Facilities

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Get the right insurance plan

Residential care facilities offer specialized care for people who are sick or seniors who need attention and supervision as they grow older and become ill. Whether independent living homes, or assisted living homes, these facilities play a big role in the health and well-being of our loved ones. That is why, as a provider of residential care, you should protect your facilities and services from safety risks and liability claims.

You need the right insurance to keep your facilities and services protected. With access to many insurance carriers, we, at Inszone Insurance, can help you find the proper residential care facility insurance coverage, which will protect your services and your whole facility.

Why Inszone Insurance?

Here are some of the reasons why many residential care facility owners trust us when it comes to their insurance needs.

  • Our access to multiple insurance carriers gives us the freedom to help our clients customized their insurance products.
  • We do the shopping for you, comparing prices among insurance companies and finding you the best coverage at the best price.
  • We have accommodating and friendly insurance specialists who are always ready to assist you whenever you have inquiries about your chosen insurance plan.

Benefits of having a residential care insurance plan

Here are some of the benefits that you can get when you have the right residential care insurance plan:

  • Your insurance will protect you from stressful and expensive lawsuits due to negligent work, malpractice, and other legal claims.
  • Depending on your coverage, you also get income protection for your business, in case you or your employees fail to work due to accident or injury.
  • You also get a general liability claim, where injuries and damages will be covered by your insurance.

Want to know more about our residential care insurance plan?

Talk to our insurance specialist today!

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