
Employee Spotlight: Lisa Newman

11 November 2023
Lisa Newman- Inszone Insurance Employee Spotlight

Here at Inszone, one of our missions is to make sure that every employee is appreciated, acknowledged, and recognized for their achievements. This Employee Spotlight series aims to celebrate success and highlight the talented individuals we have at Inszone, Cover Cannabis, and California Pool Association. Each month we’ll be featuring Inszone employees on our website, blog and social accounts.

Lisa Newman is a Senior Personal Lines Insurance Specialist at Inszone Insurance Services, joining Inszone in July 2021 after the merger with Interstate Benefits & Casualty Insurance Services. Lisa began her career in 2006 when she was hired as the agency’s bookkeeper and in 2009, she became a licensed agent specializing in home and auto.

When asked to share some words about Lisa, Bouachan Carey, who is Inszone’s VP of Northern California Personal Lines and Lisa’s direct supervisor, said, “I am so fortunate to have someone like Lisa on my team. Lisa is a huge asset to Inszone. Lisa is hardworking, dedicated, loyal, and extremely determined to reach or exceed her goals. Lisa takes pride in her work and truly cares for her customers. Lisa’s hard work and dedication show through her day-to-day interactions with her clients and is a huge contribution to her success! Thank you, Lisa, for all that you do!”

To get to know more about Lisa, we asked her a few questions about her and her time in the insurance world:

Q: Tell us about your start in the Insurance Industry?

A: My journey into the insurance industry began with my first position at Interstate Benefits and Casualty (IB&C Insurance) as a bookkeeper. While I had previously held various bookkeeping roles, this particular job introduced me to a unique aspect of financial management. It became evident that working in the insurance field would require me to acquire a license as an agent in order to comprehensively support the agency’s operations. So, at the age of 46, I embarked on the path to becoming a licensed agent. For the remainder of my time at IB&C, I wore two hats, serving as both bookkeeper and personal lines agent, allowing me to gain a well-rounded understanding of the Insurance Industry.

Q: What qualities do you have that make you a “great” Insurance agent?

A: The most important quality that I possess as an insurance agent is my unwavering commitment to customer care. I genuinely care about each customer’s unique needs and concerns, and I prioritize active listening as the first step in serving them effectively. By taking the time to understand their specific requirements, I can then leverage my knowledge and expertise to identify and recommend the most suitable coverage options available. This dedication to providing personalized and tailored solutions is reflected in the positive feedback I receive from satisfied clients, which I hold dear as a testament to my commitment to their well-being and financial security.

Q: How did you come to the conclusion that the Insurance Industry was a good fit for you?

A: I found the Insurance Industry to be an excellent fit for several reasons:
1.    Flexibility in Schedule: The flexibility in the Insurance Industry allowed me to strike a balance between my professional commitments and personal life, which was essential for me to be there for my family and actively participate in my community.

  1.  Wage and Financial Contribution: The insurance industry provided a means for me to contribute significantly to my family’s budget, which was a crucial consideration in my career choice.
  2.  Stability: I experienced the instability of industries heavily reliant on tourism and non-essential purchases. When I joined the insurance workforce, I recognized that insurance is an essential product that every consumer needs. Living in a small town where nearly everyone I knew had insurance policies, I saw the inherent job security in providing a vital and necessary product.
  3.  Transferability: One of the appealing aspects of the insurance industry is that my license is portable. No matter where I choose to live, I can carry my license with me and find employment, ensuring long-term career prospects and adaptability to changing circumstances.

These considerations collectively led me to the conviction that the insurance industry was a well-suited and reliable career path for me.

Q: If you could sit down with your younger self, what piece of advice would you share?

A: If I could have a conversation with my younger self, I would share this piece of advice: “Recognize your inner strength; it’s far greater than you imagine. Your mind, body, and spirit are forged with remarkable resilience. So, go out into the world without fear, for there’s boundless potential waiting for you to seize with confidence and determination.”

Q: What’s something that you do outside of work that would surprise your clients and co-workers?

A: I’m currently dedicated to intensive training with a singular goal in mind: I’m actively preparing to embark on a journey to walk over 100 miles along the Camino de Santiago in Spain. This is a dream of mine that I hope to make a reality in September 2024, showcasing a unique and adventurous side of me that many might not expect.

Q: What interested you in a career at Inszone?

A: I was drawn to a career at Inszone for these core reasons:

  1.  Exceptional Customer Service: I’m passionate about offering clients unmatched service and tailored insurance options.
  2.  Business Growth: I’m excited about contributing to the company’s growth and influence in the industry.
  3.  Financial Security and Growth: Inszone offers opportunities for personal financial stability and growth, aligning with my long-term goals.

Q: Can you share with us a personal quote that you live by?

A: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.”  Philippians 4:8

Thank you for your dedication and hard work, Lisa. We are grateful to have you. Again, congratulations, Lisa!

Juan Cruz

VP – Marketing & Development

Juan Cruz is the VP – Marketing & Development at Inszone Insurance Services. He joined the company in 2016, bringing with him over 7 years of experience in direct response Marketing. Juan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Global Studies as well as a minor in Anthropology from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). In his current role at Inszone he oversees all aspects of marketing, entrusted with the task of building a consistent brand as well as successful direct response campaigns. During his career, Juan has helped multiple companies improve and expand their digital presence, grow their lead generation, and improve their brand.

Juan is a travel enthusiast with 25 countries visited so far, Scuba diver and Bike rider, believes in working hard to enjoy life to the fullest.

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