
Legal Insurance

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Group legal insurance is a valuable benefit that provides employees with access to affordable legal assistance, helping them navigate complex legal challenges effectively. By offering group legal insurance, businesses can support their workforce in resolving legal issues, from family matters to estate planning, without the high costs typically associated with legal services. Here’s an overview of how group legal insurance works and why it’s a great addition to your employee benefits package.

What is Group Legal Insurance?

Group legal insurance provides employees with access to a network of attorneys who can assist with a wide range of legal issues. This coverage typically includes services such as estate planning, will preparation, family law matters, real estate transactions, and more. For a low monthly premium, employees can consult with lawyers, often at little to no additional cost, saving them thousands of dollars in legal fees.

According to MetLife’s 2023 Employee Benefits Report, nearly 70% of employees would find value in legal services as part of their benefits package, highlighting the growing need for legal assistance in everyday life .

Why Offer Group Legal Insurance?

Legal matters can be stressful and expensive for employees to handle on their own. Offering group legal insurance helps relieve this burden by giving employees affordable access to legal expertise. Whether it’s drafting a will, handling a landlord dispute, or managing family legal issues, employees can feel more confident knowing they have professional support available to them. This peace of mind can improve job satisfaction, reduce stress, and increase productivity.

The American Bar Association (ABA) reports that legal assistance costs can quickly escalate, with hourly attorney fees ranging from $250 to $600, making group legal insurance an affordable alternative for employees facing legal challenges .

Where Can Employees Access Legal Services?

Employees who are covered by group legal insurance can access a broad network of attorneys specializing in various areas of law. Most plans provide nationwide coverage, meaning employees can find legal assistance regardless of their location. States with large insurance markets, such as California, New York, and Texas, often have robust legal insurance options, ensuring that employees can receive help with both personal and professional legal matters.

Group legal insurance plans in high-cost living states like California provide employees with a cost-effective way to handle legal issues without incurring significant out-of-pocket expenses, offering comprehensive support through a network of legal professionals .

Who Benefits from Group Legal Insurance?

Group legal insurance benefits both employees and employers. For employees, the benefit provides affordable legal support when facing complex legal challenges, such as divorce proceedings, identity theft recovery, or estate planning. Having access to legal expertise can prevent issues from escalating and give employees the tools they need to resolve problems quickly and efficiently.

For employers, offering legal insurance helps create a supportive work environment that addresses the personal needs of employees. This benefit can also improve employee retention and satisfaction, as legal services are increasingly viewed as a valuable component of a comprehensive benefits package.

Research from the Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI) indicates that employees who feel supported in both personal and professional aspects of their lives are more likely to remain with their employers long-term, reducing turnover and associated costs .

How Does Group Legal Insurance Help Employees Navigate Legal Challenges?

Group legal insurance provides employees with direct access to experienced attorneys who can guide them through a variety of legal issues. Employees can receive advice on matters such as financial disputes, real estate transactions, family law issues, and criminal defense. Many plans also offer identity theft protection and assistance with immigration matters, giving employees peace of mind across a wide range of legal concerns.

With the support of legal experts, employees are better equipped to handle challenges, reducing the time and stress involved in resolving legal matters. This assistance can also prevent costly legal mistakes and help employees avoid long-term financial repercussions.

According to a survey by ARAG Legal Insurance, employees who use group legal insurance are 70% more likely to resolve their legal issues efficiently and with lower costs than those who do not have coverage .

Affordable Legal Assistance

Group legal insurance plans offer affordable legal coverage at a fraction of the cost of hiring a private attorney. With a low monthly premium, employees gain access to services that would otherwise be prohibitively expensive. Coverage typically includes:

  • Estate planning: Assistance with wills, trusts, and power of attorney documents.
  • Family law: Support for matters such as divorce, custody, and adoption.
  • Real estate: Help with buying, selling, or renting property.
  • Financial disputes: Guidance on debt management, contracts, and small claims.

These services can greatly reduce the financial strain that legal issues can place on employees, helping them focus on their work and personal well-being.


Group legal insurance offers employees affordable, expert legal assistance that can help them navigate life’s challenges with confidence. By including this coverage in your employee benefits package, you not only offer critical support but also demonstrate a commitment to your workforce’s overall well-being. Group legal insurance provides peace of mind, reduces stress, and helps employees resolve legal issues more efficiently, making it an invaluable addition to any benefits program.

For more information on group legal insurance plans, explore options tailored to your state’s market .


  1. MetLife, “2023 Employee Benefit Trends Study,” metlife.com
  2. American Bar Association (ABA), “2024 Legal Service Costs Overview,” americanbar.org
  3. Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI), “2024 Employer Benefits Report,” ebri.org
  4. ARAG Legal Insurance, “2023 Legal Insurance Usage Survey,” araglegal.com
  5. National Association of Legal Insurance (NALI), “2023 Legal Insurance Market Overview,” nali.org
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